"I picked up this book after taking an overdose with suicidal intent...

I had suffered with depression and suicidal feelings since the age of 12, and I am now 22 years old. I was baptised as a Christian at the age of 13 during a period of mental anguish and bereavement, and if someone had told me I would still be feeling that way a decade later I would probably never have chosen Christ. I have sought guidance in other Christian books and have inevitably ended up feeling discouraged, unable to hit the mark or feel their promises to be true.

I had tried turning away from God, but found only fleeting satisfaction, but when I sought God, found myself crippled with fear and confused about why I was failing in my spiritual walk. I felt unable to keep up appearances to fit in with other Christians, and in coming clean about my failures with members of my church was told that I was 'not a Christian' and that I had some nerve showing my face at church, which was hurtful although I knew it not to be true.

From the moment I opened this book ("Suicidal Christians" by Nita Tarr), I felt it speak deeply into my heart. It is as though the author knows me personally, and she speaks in real and honest terms about common experiences (right down to a similar kind of chronic pain) that I had felt I was completely alone in. I have experienced every single one of the struggles covered in this book.

Each chapter begins with a message written in God's voice, and this has helped me to hear him when sometimes he seems absent or disapproving. The style of writing is easy to follow, with points broken down into lists. The prayer at the end of each chapter helps to summarise and set out its goals clearly. I like the use of allegories to demonstrate points.

This book has moved me and shown me new perspective, and identified some of the reasons why I have never been able to grasp the fullness of Christian life and the joy that is promised to us. Only time will tell what will happen next, but I have found new hope and clarity I thank Nita from my heart for writing. If she is reading this then I hope she will not mind me saying I already think of her as a dear sister and friend!" - with permission, K. Stephensen.

Author Nita Tarr, who has lived through kidnap, abuse, rape, a murder, depression and chronic illness, tells her story with profound depth and insight.  Her multiple suicide attempts and what triggered them, are laid bare.  Each chapter contains Holy Spirit inspired advice with discerning, practical application for problems facing anyone who is struggling.   Her battle with addiction, crushing low self-esteem and overwhelming fear are intimately and candidly probed.  As well as being a valuable resource for councilors and pastors, it is an exhilarating, exciting read for all.

In paperback (SALE PRICE: $17.95) and eBook ($5.95)

The paperback version may be purchased online by clicking HERE.  We ship within 3 days of order and deliver worldwide. The eBook versions (ePub & PDF) are available for instant download HERE.







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Suicide Christian