These blogs take the form of letters from God.  Please feel free to write your own letter TO GOD in the comment box at the bottom!  He reads this blog...

I Don't Know How to Pray

By: Nita Created Date: 2014-01-29 Hits: 3960

My Child

My greatest delight is being in a relationship with you.  I long to speak to you and I want you to include me in every aspect of your life. I know how busy you are, but if you make a special time in your day, where we can talk deeply together, then time will miraculously become available for you to do everything else.  Simply put me first.

Then speak to me throughout your day.  Nothing is too insignificant to interest me and no problem is too large for me to fix.  There is nothing you can tell me about yourself that I do not already know, so you cannot shock me.  I will never leave you because of anything you have done.  I am here to help in every way.

Tell me, my loved one, whatever is on your heart.

Always listening
