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An Uphill Battle

By: Nita Created Date: 2014-01-21 Hits: 3956

My Dearest Friend

You are weary of this perpetual uphill battle that you feel you are losing.  I know you feel as though you don’t want to keep trying anymore and you want to give up.  You are tired of making promises that you break, tired of seeing disappointment in the eyes of those you love and tired of making an effort and failing.  You think that there is no point in trying anymore because it just doesn’t make any difference.

Listen carefully, my child:  No matter what you are battling to overcome today – you are not an exception to my Word. It applies to you in whatever circumstance you are facing.  I have promised that everyone can have freedom and live life to the full.

No matter what you are going through, you can be healed, delivered and saved,  because I came so that you could have life to the full.

Just keep remembering that you, and your situation, are not exceptions to any of the promises and regulations in my Word.  If I say it is so, then it is.

Your Friend
