These blogs take the form of letters from God.  Please feel free to write your own letter TO GOD in the comment box at the bottom!  He reads this blog...

I Love You The Way You Are

By: Nita Created Date: 2013-11-25 Hits: 3567

I know that there are unkind, selfish people in your life but I want you to love them.  I know it is hard but I will be with you to help you.  It is easy to love those who are kind to you, but it is the difficult, broken people that I want you to love so that they can see me through you.  The more you love others the better you will feel.

I also want you to love me because then you will see how much I love you.  When you love me, you will want to be with me and who I am will rub off on you.

I love you with an unconditional love that is so deep I will be revealing it to you for eternity.

With love

Your Father