These blogs take the form of letters from God.  Please feel free to write your own letter TO GOD in the comment box at the bottom!  He reads this blog...

God, I am so scared!

By: Nita Created Date: 2013-11-11 Hits: 3500

Whatever form it takes, know that it is never from me, so you do not need to hold me at arm’s length when you feel hurt by others.  You only do this because you fear I will reject you, as they did.  But know this, I will never reject you.

Your fears have hidden your talents and your love because you are too scared to express yourself. They make you try so hard to be acceptable to me and to others.  Know that I accept you and love you as you are.

As you take shelter, know for certain that you are secure and rest in my Love and see your fears dissipate.

Take courage for I am with you.

Your Protector